Advancing the Implementation of Evidence-based Practices for Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control in Safety-net Settings

Dr. Jennifer Tsui is a health services researcher and cancer prevention and control scientist with a focus on reducing inequities in cancer prevention, cancer care access, quality, and outcomes through implementation of evidence-based strategies in diverse communities and health care settings. Since the introduction of HPV vaccines, Dr. Tsui has led and contributed to research that examines multi-level factors associated with HPV vaccine uptake at the local, state, national, and international levels using both primary and secondary data sources. Dr. Tsui is currently principal investigator of a multi-year NCI-funded study to examine stakeholder experiences with HPV vaccination and implementation of evidence-based strategies for HPV vaccination in safety-net settings. She co-led a recent NCI Cancer Center Support Grant Administrative Supplement on HPV vaccine hesitancy in racial/ethnic minority communities in the greater Los Angeles region. Her other line of research focuses on addressing cancer care quality and outcomes and evaluation of cancer care coordination among enrollees and safety-net health care systems. Dr. Tsui is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Population and Public Health Sciences at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine and the inaugural Director of Cancer Care Delivery Research and Implementation Science at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Tsui received her M.P.H. in epidemiology from the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University and her Ph.D. in Health Policy and Management from the Fielding School of Public Health at UCLA.