Staff Directory
Our staff are dedicated individuals, who provide scientific guidance and administrative support to our fellows.
Annual Advances in Cancer Prevention Lecture Series
Since 2000, the CPFP has hosted an Annual Advances in Cancer Prevention Lecture series to honor researchers and practitioners who have made major contributions to Cancer Prevention and Control.
Most Recently Presented Annual Advances Lecture
Avrum Spira, M.D., M.Sc.: Intercepting Lung Cancer via the Airway Transcriptome

Date: July 21, 2020
Time: 1:00p.m. - 2:00p.m. ET
Location: Virtual
via WebEx
Learn more about our most recent Lectures
Distinguished Alumni Award
With its rich history and commitment to training researchers and future leaders in cancer prevention, we recognize an outstanding member of our alumni through the CPFP Distinguished Alumni Award.
Read the Testimonials to find out what our CPFP alumni and Summer Curriculum attendees have to say about our programs.
Publications About CPFP
Several journal articles and reports have been published that evaluate the CPFP.
Directions & Parking
Information on driving directions and parking.