Publications about the CPFP

The following reports and articles provide evaluations of the CPFP. 

  1. Leadership Roles and Activities among Alumni Receiving Postdoctoral Fellowship Training in Cancer Prevention
    This study seeks to better understand formal and informal leadership roles and activities of alumni from postdoctoral research training programs in cancer prevention.
    Read the abstract published in the Journal of Cancer Education
  2. Career Satisfaction and Perceived Salary Competitiveness among Individuals Who Completed Postdoctoral Research Training in Cancer Prevention
    This study focuses on satisfaction with career trajectory and perceived salary competitiveness among a predominately Ph.D.-trained population of scientists who completed cancer prevention-related postdoctoral training between 1987 - 2011.
    Read the research article published in PLoS ONE
  3. Independent Association of Postdoctoral Training with Subsequent Careers in Cancer Prevention
    This study examines the career paths of alumni from the CPFP and the proportion of the alumni performing cancer prevention-related activities.
    Read the report published in PLoS ONE
  4. Alumni Perspectives on Career Preparation during a Postdoctoral Training Program: A Qualitative Study
    This study assesses alumni reflections on the training environment and career preparation during their time in the CPFP.
    Read the article published in Life Sciences Education