In This Issue:
- CPFP News
- Current CPFP Programming
- Recent Presentations by CPFP Fellows
- Staff Presentations
- Determinants of health science workforce diversity: unintended structural bias in NIH funding. - Dr. Shine Chang
- The Development, Education & Training of a Cancer Prevention Workforce: The Experience of the Cancer Epidemiology Education in Special Populations Program (R25 CA112383) - Dr. Amr Soliman
- Using a Cancer Drug Discovery Case Study to Teach Principles of Translational Science to a Broad Scientific Audience - Dr. Jessica Faupel-Badger
- Learning for early Engagement And Development (LEAD): An Augmented Approach to Orienting New Postdocs - Dr. Lymarie Maldonado-Báez
- Awards
- Other Fellowships and Trainings
- Recent Fellows' Publications
- Recent CPFP Events
- Fellows on the Move
- National Postdoc Appreciation Week
CPFP Welcomes New Staff
Dr. Jessica Faupel-Badger, Acting Branch Chief

Jessica M. Faupel-Badger, Ph.D., M.P.H., recently returned to the Division of Cancer Prevention as the Strategic Planning Officer where she will work with DCP leadership on both research and workforce related activities. In addition to this new role, Jessica will also be serving as the Acting Branch Chief for the Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program. As an alumna of the CPFP and past Deputy Director of this Program, Jessica is thrilled to return to the Division and support the success of CPFP staff and fellows. Most recently, Jessica led the Education Branch at the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences.
Dr. Heather Bowles, Detail

Heather Bowles, Ph.D., manages a portfolio in physical activity measurement and methods. She has hosted multiple scientific consensus workshops and prepared state-of-practice reports, including special publications on self-report methods and device-based measurement of physical activity. Dr. Bowles produced technology-based data collection tools, analysis software, and web-based systems for data management and sharing. She is interested in the application of foresight methods to guide strategic planning and technology development.
Current CPFP Programming
2023 Cohort
CPFP recently completed candidate interviews for the 2023 Cancer Prevention Fellow cohort, assisted by DCPers Dr. Brandy Heckman-Stoddard, Dr. Alexis Bakos, and current fellow Dr. Margarita Correa-Mendez. We are excited to announce that final applicants have been selected.
2022 CPFP Grants and Grantsmanship Workshop Series
Since the CPFP Grants and Grantsmanship Workshop was first offered in January 2000, CPFP Fellows have successfully competed for peer-reviewed grants, including NCI Intramural Research Awards, NCI Director’s Innovation Awards, Department of Defense Research Program grants, private foundation grants, and NIH Career Development Awards. This year’s series, facilitated by Drs. Heather Bowels, Lymarie Maldonado-Baez, and Ann Maxson, kicked off in November 2022 and is serving 11 Cancer Prevention Fellows. This training is designed to prepare each fellow for a critical next step in their career in which demonstrated ability to develop and organize ideas into a well-written proposal can be a major determinant in hiring and promotion decisions.
Project Management Workshop
On December 1, 2022, the CPFP kicked off a series of professional workshops with SciPHD. In the first session, Project Management for Scientists Workshop, our fellows upskilled in in the areas of project management fundamentals, translating science into project management language, and managing the work, risk, and people.
CPFP Fellows Research Meeting (FRM) Series
In September 2022, the CPFP kicked of its 2022-2023 Fellows Research Meeting (FRM) Series. As part of this speaker series, Cancer Prevention fellows receive protected time to practice the creation and delivery of a scientific talk; feedback from peers and CPFP Leadership on the science within and the delivery of the talk; exposure to multidisciplinary perspectives in the field of cancer prevention; and connection with potential CPFP collaborators. Each Cancer Prevention Fellow presents an FRM presentation once per year in the fellowship, and talks occur each Tuesday morning September – May.
Career Development Award Training
Since September 2022, the CPFP has partnered with Grant Writing Mentors to provide Cancer Prevention Fellows with support in drafting career development awards. During a 6-month workshop series, fellow participants are receiving training and expert review and feedback necessary to submit a career development award application (e.g., K99/R00, K22) of their own.
Recent Presentations by CPFP Fellows

Manami Bhattacharya, Ph.D., M.S. presented "Examining the health-related quality of life of U.S. Hispanic cancer survivors" on September 16, 2022 at the 15th AACR Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved. On the same day, she also presented, "Associations between area-level social determinants and late-stage diagnosis of colorectal cancer". And at the same conference on September 17, 2022, Manami presented "Identifying cancer disparities research gaps in NCORP: A pilot portfolio analysis".

Hawa Camara, Ph.D., M.P.H. presented "How are we tracking on the pathway to the 90/70/90 elimination targets? Tracking reports for 36 countries and areas in the Western Pacific (WPCET)" at the Preventing Cervical Cancer (PCC) 2022, in Melbourne Australia on November 16th, 2022.

Courtney Dill, Ph.D., M.S.C.R., M.S. presented "Association of genetic ancestry with lung-cancer risk in White and Black never-smokers" at the 15th AACR Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved on September 18, 2022.

Percy Guzman, Sc.M., M.D. presented "Delays in Cancer Care and Its Effects on Survival" at the Costa Rica National Medical Conference on November 3, 2022.

Alexandra R. Harris, Ph.D., M.P.H. presented "Integrated chromatin accessibility and transcriptome investigations of human triple-negative breast cancer lines by donor ancestor" on September 16, 2022 at the 15th AACR Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved.

Jennifer McGee-Avila, Ph.D., M.P.H. presented "Multilevel Facilitators and Barriers to Cervical Cancer Screening in Women Living with HIV: A Qualitative Study" and "A Voice in the Conversation: The Vital Role of Consumers to End the HIV Epidemic" at the National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment on August 26, 2022. On September 18, 2022, Dr. McGee-Avila presented "Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Among People Living with HIV in the United States" at the 15th AACR Conference the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved. And at the 18th International Conference on Malignancies in HIV/AIDS, she presented "Cancer Treatment Inequities in People Living with HIV in the United States, 2001-2019" on October 26, 2022.

Esmeralda Ramirez-Peña, Ph.D., M.P.H. presented "Coffee and Convos with ITERT Alumni" at the Interdisciplinary Translational Education and Research Training Program (iTERT), Dept. of Translational Molecular Pathology, MD Anderson Cancer Center during the National Postdoc Appreciation Week on September 22, 2022. She also presented "An evaluation of breast cancer recurrence data reported to the NCI SEER Program" at the International Association of Cancer Registries on November 10, 2022.

Jacqueline B. Vo, Ph.D., R.N., M.P.H. presented "Role of treatment on racial and ethnic disparities in heart disease mortality among U.S. breast cancer survivors, 2000-2018" at on September 18, 2022.

Jennifer Zink, Ph.D. presented "Age-Varying Associations Between Screen Time and Adiposity in United States Youth" at the ObesityWeek on November 4, 2022.
Staff Presentations
Symposium: 2022 International Cancer Education Conference, October 12-14, 2022

Session Name: Expanding, Diversifying, and Training the Future Cancer Research Workforce
*Dr. Jessica Faupel-Badger organized the symposium. Dr. Lymarie Maldonado-Baez, Dr. Shine Chang from the University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center and Dr. Amr Soliman from the City University of New York delivered talks on the following topics:
Invited Talk at the University of Puerto Rico, School of Medicine, November 1st, 2022

The NCI/NIH Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program: Leading the Fight Against Cancer Through a Transdisciplinary Approach
University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, Biomedical Seminar Series
Dr. Lymarie Maldonado-Báez

Percy Guzman, Sc.M., M.D. won the 2nd Place Presentation Award at the Costa Rica National Medical Conference for "Delays in Cancer Care and Its Effects on Survival".

Jennifer Zink, Ph.D., Co-PI with Joshua Freeman (DCEG CRTA), received a DCEG Director’s Innovation Career Development Award for her work on the "Evaluation of Actigraphy-Measured Sleep Characteristics among Racial and Ethnic Subgroups in NHANES".

Brittany Lord, Ph.D., M.S., M.P.H. received an AACR NextGen Star Award and an Women Scientist Advisors (WSA) Scholars Award.

Jacob Rohde, Ph.D., M.A., M.P.H., George Kueppers, Ph.D., Alyssa Harrell, M.A. won a CRAFT Award for "Impact of HPV-linked oropharyngeal cancer messages on vaccination intentions among young adult men in the U.S."

Jennifer McGee-Avila, Ph.D., M.P.H. recieved an AACR Scholar in Training Award, at the 15th AACR Disparities Conference.

Other Fellowships and Trainings
2023 NCI Diversity Career Development Program

Sallie Rosen Kaplan Postdoctoral Fellowship for Women Scientists in Cancer Research

Training Rotation at NIH Office of Research on Women's Health

Recent Fellows' Publications

Manami Bhattacharya, Ph.D., M.S. Impact of a pre-existing diagnosis of mental illness on stage of breast cancer diagnosis among older women. Read article.

Derek Brown, Ph.D., M.S. Germline-somatic JAK2 interactions are associated with clonal expansion in myelofibrosis. Read more.

Chloe Huelsnitz, Ph.D., M.P.H. Associations Between Parents’ Health and Social Control Behaviors and Their Adolescent’s Self-Efficacy and Health Behaviors: Insights From the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating (FLASHE) Survey. Read more.

Kathryn Heley, Ph.D., M.P.H. Missing the Bigger Picture: The Need for More Research on Visual Health Misinformation. Read more.

Jennifer Zink, Ph.D. A Systematic Review of the Associations of Adiposity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness with Arterial Structure and Function in Non-clinical Children and Adolescents. Read more.

Lawrence W, McGee-Avila JK, Vo JB, Luo Q, Chen Y, Inoue-Choi M, Berrington de González A, Freedman ND, & Shiels MS. Trends in cancer mortality among Black individuals in the United States, 1999-2019. Read more.
Recent CPFP Events
2022-2023 CPFP Grants & Grantsmanship Workshop Series, Grant Writing 101: December 5, 2022, from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
The Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program is hosting its third session of the 2022-2023 Grants & Grantsmanship Workshop Series. After completing this module, participants will be able to (1) distinguish the elements of a competitive grant application and (2) identify the major components of research and career development grants.
CPF Awards Forum: Tuesday, December 6, 2022, from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
The Grants and Scientific Writing Committee are hosting a virtual gathering to highlight many of the awards and funding mechanisms available to Cancer Prevention Fellows at NCI. After a brief introduction to award offerings and logistics, attendees will have the opportunity for a Q&A session with past award recipients to learn about their experiences and challenges during the application process, as well as any insights and tips for success. This event is open to all Cancer Prevention Fellows.
Webinar: What the heck is Intersectionality? A perspective to inform health research and advocacy: Wednesday, December 7, 2022, from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
The Methods and Training Committee is delighted to announce an upcoming webinar from Dr. Naomi Greene titled “What the heck is Intersectionality? A perspective to inform health research and advocacy.” Dr. Greene’s seminar will cover the core tents of intersectionality, describe qualitative and quantitative applications, and discuss the importance of reflexivity followed by time for questions and discussion. This session is open to all Cancer Prevention Fellows.
Ask the IRBO Team: Thursday, December 8, 2022, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET
Representatives from the NIH’s Office of IRB Operations (IRBO) will attend the next CPFP Potluck to answer fellow questions about NIH IRB policies and procedures.
2022-2023 CPFP Grants & Grantsmanship Workshop Series, Intro to Specific Aims: Monday, December 12, 2022, from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
The Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program is hosting its fourth session of the 2022-2023 Grants & Grantsmanship Workshop Series. After completing this module, participants will be able to evaluate the quality of a Specific Aims Page informed by key components and principles important to this section of a funding proposal.
CPFP Leadership Training Series - DiSC: Wednesday, December 14, 2022, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
This session will introduce participants to the DiSC model, which provides a common language people can use to better understand themselves and those they interact with—and then use this knowledge to reduce conflict and improve working relationships.
CPFP Career Development Award Grant Writing Course w/ Grant Writing Mentors - Research Strategy: Thursday, December 15, 2022, from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
The objective of this workshop is to apply grantsmanship best practices to the drafting of the Research Strategy section of a career development award application.
Fellows on the Move

Kaitlyn Hardell, Scientific Review Officer (HSA), National Institute on Aging, Division of Extramural Activities, Scientific Review Branch

Derek Brown, Senior Biostatistician, Foundation Medicine

Ian Buller, Epidemiologist, Social & Scientific System, Inc.

Jacqueline Vo, Assistant Clinical Investigator, National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Epidemiology &ammp; Genetics

Andrew Seidenberg, Director (Policy Research), Truth Initiative, Schroeder Institute

Ariella Korn, Health Policy Researcher, RAND Corporation, Behavioral & Policy Sciences Department

Sydney O’Connor, Ph.D., Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer), National Institutes of Health, Office of the Director, Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives

Kimberly Clevenger, Assistant Professor, University of Iowa, Health and Human Physiology
National Postdoc Appreciation Week

With DCP participation, the Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program celebrated a successful National Postdoc Appreciation Week! Our celebration consisted of a LinkedIn Testimonial Campaign, a CPFP Celebrates NPAW Video, a Postdoc Appreciation Breakfast, a Philanthropic Activity: Thoughtful Treasures for NIH Children's Inn, two full days of professional headshots, a Plain Language Workshop, and the release of new titles in our CPFP Professional Development Library. We are truly grateful for the support of everyone involved in making the CPFP 2022 NPAW campaign special. We hope to continue to show appreciation for our fellows throughout the year and are looking forward to a successful NPAW 2023!

CPFP Welcomes New Staff
Dr. Jessica Faupel-Badger, Acting Branch Chief

Jessica M. Faupel-Badger, Ph.D., M.P.H., recently returned to the Division of Cancer Prevention as the Strategic Planning Officer where she will work with DCP leadership on both research and workforce related activities. In addition to this new role, Jessica will also be serving as the Acting Branch Chief for the Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program. As an alumna of the CPFP and past Deputy Director of this Program, Jessica is thrilled to return to the Division and support the success of CPFP staff and fellows. Most recently, Jessica led the Education Branch at the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences.
Dr. Heather Bowles, Detail

Heather Bowles, Ph.D., manages a portfolio in physical activity measurement and methods. She has hosted multiple scientific consensus workshops and prepared state-of-practice reports, including special publications on self-report methods and device-based measurement of physical activity. Dr. Bowles produced technology-based data collection tools, analysis software, and web-based systems for data management and sharing. She is interested in the application of foresight methods to guide strategic planning and technology development.
Current CPFP Programming
2023 Cohort
CPFP recently completed candidate interviews for the 2023 Cancer Prevention Fellow cohort, assisted by DCPers Dr. Brandy Heckman-Stoddard, Dr. Alexis Bakos, and current fellow Dr. Margarita Correa-Mendez. We are excited to announce that final applicants have been selected.
2022 CPFP Grants and Grantsmanship Workshop Series
Since the CPFP Grants and Grantsmanship Workshop was first offered in January 2000, CPFP Fellows have successfully competed for peer-reviewed grants, including NCI Intramural Research Awards, NCI Director’s Innovation Awards, Department of Defense Research Program grants, private foundation grants, and NIH Career Development Awards. This year’s series, facilitated by Drs. Heather Bowels, Lymarie Maldonado-Baez, and Ann Maxson, kicked off in November 2022 and is serving 11 Cancer Prevention Fellows. This training is designed to prepare each fellow for a critical next step in their career in which demonstrated ability to develop and organize ideas into a well-written proposal can be a major determinant in hiring and promotion decisions.
Project Management Workshop
On December 1, 2022, the CPFP kicked off a series of professional workshops with SciPHD. In the first session, Project Management for Scientists Workshop, our fellows upskilled in in the areas of project management fundamentals, translating science into project management language, and managing the work, risk, and people.
CPFP Fellows Research Meeting (FRM) Series
In September 2022, the CPFP kicked of its 2022-2023 Fellows Research Meeting (FRM) Series. As part of this speaker series, Cancer Prevention fellows receive protected time to practice the creation and delivery of a scientific talk; feedback from peers and CPFP Leadership on the science within and the delivery of the talk; exposure to multidisciplinary perspectives in the field of cancer prevention; and connection with potential CPFP collaborators. Each Cancer Prevention Fellow presents an FRM presentation once per year in the fellowship, and talks occur each Tuesday morning September – May.
Career Development Award Training
Since September 2022, the CPFP has partnered with Grant Writing Mentors to provide Cancer Prevention Fellows with support in drafting career development awards. During a 6-month workshop series, fellow participants are receiving training and expert review and feedback necessary to submit a career development award application (e.g., K99/R00, K22) of their own.
Recent Presentations by CPFP Fellows

Manami Bhattacharya, Ph.D., M.S. presented "Examining the health-related quality of life of U.S. Hispanic cancer survivors" on September 16, 2022 at the 15th AACR Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved. On the same day, she also presented, "Associations between area-level social determinants and late-stage diagnosis of colorectal cancer". And at the same conference on September 17, 2022, Manami presented "Identifying cancer disparities research gaps in NCORP: A pilot portfolio analysis".

Hawa Camara, Ph.D., M.P.H. presented "How are we tracking on the pathway to the 90/70/90 elimination targets? Tracking reports for 36 countries and areas in the Western Pacific (WPCET)" at the Preventing Cervical Cancer (PCC) 2022, in Melbourne Australia on November 16th, 2022.

Courtney Dill, Ph.D., M.S.C.R., M.S. presented "Association of genetic ancestry with lung-cancer risk in White and Black never-smokers" at the 15th AACR Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved on September 18, 2022.

Percy Guzman, Sc.M., M.D. presented "Delays in Cancer Care and Its Effects on Survival" at the Costa Rica National Medical Conference on November 3, 2022.

Alexandra R. Harris, Ph.D., M.P.H. presented "Integrated chromatin accessibility and transcriptome investigations of human triple-negative breast cancer lines by donor ancestor" on September 16, 2022 at the 15th AACR Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved.

Jennifer McGee-Avila, Ph.D., M.P.H. presented "Multilevel Facilitators and Barriers to Cervical Cancer Screening in Women Living with HIV: A Qualitative Study" and "A Voice in the Conversation: The Vital Role of Consumers to End the HIV Epidemic" at the National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment on August 26, 2022. On September 18, 2022, Dr. McGee-Avila presented "Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Among People Living with HIV in the United States" at the 15th AACR Conference the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved. And at the 18th International Conference on Malignancies in HIV/AIDS, she presented "Cancer Treatment Inequities in People Living with HIV in the United States, 2001-2019" on October 26, 2022.

Esmeralda Ramirez-Peña, Ph.D., M.P.H. presented "Coffee and Convos with ITERT Alumni" at the Interdisciplinary Translational Education and Research Training Program (iTERT), Dept. of Translational Molecular Pathology, MD Anderson Cancer Center during the National Postdoc Appreciation Week on September 22, 2022. She also presented "An evaluation of breast cancer recurrence data reported to the NCI SEER Program" at the International Association of Cancer Registries on November 10, 2022.

Jacqueline B. Vo, Ph.D., R.N., M.P.H. presented "Role of treatment on racial and ethnic disparities in heart disease mortality among U.S. breast cancer survivors, 2000-2018" at on September 18, 2022.

Jennifer Zink, Ph.D. presented "Age-Varying Associations Between Screen Time and Adiposity in United States Youth" at the ObesityWeek on November 4, 2022.
Staff Presentations
Symposium: 2022 International Cancer Education Conference, October 12-14, 2022

Session Name: Expanding, Diversifying, and Training the Future Cancer Research Workforce
*Dr. Jessica Faupel-Badger organized the symposium. Dr. Lymarie Maldonado-Baez, Dr. Shine Chang from the University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center and Dr. Amr Soliman from the City University of New York delivered talks on the following topics:
- Determinants of health science workforce diversity: unintended structural bias in NIH funding. - Dr. Shine Chang
- The Development, Education & Training of a Cancer Prevention Workforce: The Experience of the Cancer Epidemiology Education in Special Populations Program (R25 CA112383) - Dr. Amr Soliman
- Using a Cancer Drug Discovery Case Study to Teach Principles of Translational Science to a Broad Scientific Audience - Dr. Jessica Faupel-Badger
- Learning for early Engagement And Development (LEAD): An Augmented Approach to Orienting New Postdocs - Dr. Lymarie Maldonado-Báez
Invited Talk at the University of Puerto Rico, School of Medicine, November 1st, 2022

The NCI/NIH Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program: Leading the Fight Against Cancer Through a Transdisciplinary Approach
University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, Biomedical Seminar Series
Dr. Lymarie Maldonado-Báez

Percy Guzman, Sc.M., M.D. won the 2nd Place Presentation Award at the Costa Rica National Medical Conference for "Delays in Cancer Care and Its Effects on Survival".

Jennifer Zink, Ph.D., Co-PI with Joshua Freeman (DCEG CRTA), received a DCEG Director’s Innovation Career Development Award for her work on the "Evaluation of Actigraphy-Measured Sleep Characteristics among Racial and Ethnic Subgroups in NHANES".

Brittany Lord, Ph.D., M.S., M.P.H. received an AACR NextGen Star Award and an Women Scientist Advisors (WSA) Scholars Award.

Jacob Rohde, Ph.D., M.A., M.P.H., George Kueppers, Ph.D., Alyssa Harrell, M.A. won a CRAFT Award for "Impact of HPV-linked oropharyngeal cancer messages on vaccination intentions among young adult men in the U.S."

Jennifer McGee-Avila, Ph.D., M.P.H. recieved an AACR Scholar in Training Award, at the 15th AACR Disparities Conference.

Other Fellowships and Trainings
2023 NCI Diversity Career Development Program

Sallie Rosen Kaplan Postdoctoral Fellowship for Women Scientists in Cancer Research

Training Rotation at NIH Office of Research on Women's Health

Recent Fellows' Publications

Manami Bhattacharya, Ph.D., M.S. Impact of a pre-existing diagnosis of mental illness on stage of breast cancer diagnosis among older women. Read article.

Derek Brown, Ph.D., M.S. Germline-somatic JAK2 interactions are associated with clonal expansion in myelofibrosis. Read more.

Chloe Huelsnitz, Ph.D., M.P.H. Associations Between Parents’ Health and Social Control Behaviors and Their Adolescent’s Self-Efficacy and Health Behaviors: Insights From the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating (FLASHE) Survey. Read more.

Kathryn Heley, Ph.D., M.P.H. Missing the Bigger Picture: The Need for More Research on Visual Health Misinformation. Read more.

Jennifer Zink, Ph.D. A Systematic Review of the Associations of Adiposity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness with Arterial Structure and Function in Non-clinical Children and Adolescents. Read more.

Lawrence W, McGee-Avila JK, Vo JB, Luo Q, Chen Y, Inoue-Choi M, Berrington de González A, Freedman ND, & Shiels MS. Trends in cancer mortality among Black individuals in the United States, 1999-2019. Read more.
Recent CPFP Events
2022-2023 CPFP Grants & Grantsmanship Workshop Series, Grant Writing 101: December 5, 2022, from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
The Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program is hosting its third session of the 2022-2023 Grants & Grantsmanship Workshop Series. After completing this module, participants will be able to (1) distinguish the elements of a competitive grant application and (2) identify the major components of research and career development grants.
CPF Awards Forum: Tuesday, December 6, 2022, from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
The Grants and Scientific Writing Committee are hosting a virtual gathering to highlight many of the awards and funding mechanisms available to Cancer Prevention Fellows at NCI. After a brief introduction to award offerings and logistics, attendees will have the opportunity for a Q&A session with past award recipients to learn about their experiences and challenges during the application process, as well as any insights and tips for success. This event is open to all Cancer Prevention Fellows.
Webinar: What the heck is Intersectionality? A perspective to inform health research and advocacy: Wednesday, December 7, 2022, from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
The Methods and Training Committee is delighted to announce an upcoming webinar from Dr. Naomi Greene titled “What the heck is Intersectionality? A perspective to inform health research and advocacy.” Dr. Greene’s seminar will cover the core tents of intersectionality, describe qualitative and quantitative applications, and discuss the importance of reflexivity followed by time for questions and discussion. This session is open to all Cancer Prevention Fellows.
Ask the IRBO Team: Thursday, December 8, 2022, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET
Representatives from the NIH’s Office of IRB Operations (IRBO) will attend the next CPFP Potluck to answer fellow questions about NIH IRB policies and procedures.
2022-2023 CPFP Grants & Grantsmanship Workshop Series, Intro to Specific Aims: Monday, December 12, 2022, from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
The Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program is hosting its fourth session of the 2022-2023 Grants & Grantsmanship Workshop Series. After completing this module, participants will be able to evaluate the quality of a Specific Aims Page informed by key components and principles important to this section of a funding proposal.
CPFP Leadership Training Series - DiSC: Wednesday, December 14, 2022, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
This session will introduce participants to the DiSC model, which provides a common language people can use to better understand themselves and those they interact with—and then use this knowledge to reduce conflict and improve working relationships.
CPFP Career Development Award Grant Writing Course w/ Grant Writing Mentors - Research Strategy: Thursday, December 15, 2022, from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
The objective of this workshop is to apply grantsmanship best practices to the drafting of the Research Strategy section of a career development award application.
Fellows on the Move

Kaitlyn Hardell, Scientific Review Officer (HSA), National Institute on Aging, Division of Extramural Activities, Scientific Review Branch

Derek Brown, Senior Biostatistician, Foundation Medicine

Ian Buller, Epidemiologist, Social & Scientific System, Inc.

Jacqueline Vo, Assistant Clinical Investigator, National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Epidemiology &ammp; Genetics

Andrew Seidenberg, Director (Policy Research), Truth Initiative, Schroeder Institute

Ariella Korn, Health Policy Researcher, RAND Corporation, Behavioral & Policy Sciences Department

Sydney O’Connor, Ph.D., Health Scientist Administrator (Program Officer), National Institutes of Health, Office of the Director, Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives

Kimberly Clevenger, Assistant Professor, University of Iowa, Health and Human Physiology
National Postdoc Appreciation Week

With DCP participation, the Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program celebrated a successful National Postdoc Appreciation Week! Our celebration consisted of a LinkedIn Testimonial Campaign, a CPFP Celebrates NPAW Video, a Postdoc Appreciation Breakfast, a Philanthropic Activity: Thoughtful Treasures for NIH Children's Inn, two full days of professional headshots, a Plain Language Workshop, and the release of new titles in our CPFP Professional Development Library. We are truly grateful for the support of everyone involved in making the CPFP 2022 NPAW campaign special. We hope to continue to show appreciation for our fellows throughout the year and are looking forward to a successful NPAW 2023!